Powervision hackathon

Robotics and innovation

Come and build new concpets for consumers with multidiversity teams of students and professionals!

Tampere 11.5 & 17.5. & 19.5.2017

Come and create new innovative concepts for robotics using service design methodologies!

In this hackathon we do not code, but we will ideate, concept and build together. At the end of the hackathon concepts will be pitched and the winner will be chosen.

Both, students and companies are welcome to join! Companies can send team of 3-4 participants or join other teams. The domain of companies and students can be e.g. service design, industrial design, sensors, programming, electronics, drones.

But, everyone interested in service design is most welcome! The methodology used in hachathon is Futurice's open source design process and toolkit Lean Service Creation which you can use freely in future on your own projects as well.

Agenda for the hackathon:

  1. Thurstday 11.5. Tredea, Tampella
    klo 17–20

    Kickoff, where Powervision and facilitators introduce participants to the theme of the hackathon and to lean service creation methodology. Building teams and choosing topics. Business objectives and context, immersion, segmentation and preparing the problem interviews.

  2. Reserve time for the interviews!

    3-4 problem interviews, which help you to find the problem worth solving.

  3. Wednesday 17.5. Tredea, Tampella
    klo 17–20

    Insight, ideation, concepting and value proposition.

  4. Friday 19.5. Crazy Town, Rautatienkatu
    klo 9-18

    Fake advertisment, validation, customer engagement and profiling the concept, pitching. At the end of the day teams will pitch their concepts, feedback is collected and the winner is rewarded.

For companies?

Companies will learn new way of developing and testing new services quickly. In service design-hackathon multidiversity teams meet and create new innovatios that solve the problems worth solving.

For students?

Students will network and learn from the "real-world" companies. You can earn 1 course credit for participating the hackathon.

  1. Utilize service design in practise

    Hands-on service design with help of experienced facilitators as well as representatives from the customer - just like in all projects. The challenge is real and potential concepts will be developed further after the hackathon.

  2. Update you CV

    You can improve and build up your protfolio and CV.

  3. Network!

    You meet the specialists of robotics as well as other innovative people. It will be fun!



PowerVision Technology Group is a global leader in consumer robotics technologies, products and services, focusing on aerial and underwater drones. With a corporate mission to innovate the future, PowerVision’s portfolio ranges from smart drones and robots, to data visualisation and forecasting, virtual and augmented reality. Founded in 2009, PowerVision Technology Group comprises employees in China, the U.S., Canada, Australia, Germany, and Finland. PowerVision Oy, based in Helsinki, Finland, is PowerVision Technology Group’s headquarter in Europe. Other European offices include a services centre, R&D centre and several other offices in the UK, Germany, France and Poland. To learn more about PowerVision Technology Group or PowerVision Robot Corporation, please visit www.powervision.me. You may also connect with PowerVision Europe on Facebook (www.facebook.com/powervisioneurope), Instagram (www.instagram.com/powervisioneurope/) and YouTube (www.youtube.com/c/powervisioneurope).


Tredea, the Tampere Region Economic Development Agency, maintains and strengthens the magnetism of the Tampere central region and fosters prerequisites for successful business.